请朗读:News Item 007-美国自杀率呈上升趋势

News Item 007-美国自杀率呈上升趋势
A new study by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows suicide rates increased 24 percent
between 1999 and 2014. The study showed that the number of suicides increased sharply after 2006. Economic conditions
in the U.S. began to worsen at that time. A recession began in 2008.
The suicide rate increased for men under the age of 75 by 43 percent between 1999 and 2014. For women under the
age of 75, the greatest rate of increase was among those between 45 and 64. The suicide rate among those women was 80
percent higher in 2014 than in 1999. Men are much more likely to kill themselves than women. However, the study showed
the rate of women who took their own lives grew much faster than among men.
Experts say most people who try to kill themselves are not successful. They say “taking steps to try to convince
someone not to kill themselves” is important. Researchers say removing the methods people use to kill themselves, such as
guns or poison, can help for a short period. This can give long-term treatment time to take effect.