朗读练习 -- News Item 001-世界 4.22 亿成年人患有糖尿病

News Item 001-世界 4.22 亿成年人患有糖尿病
The World Health Organization reports 422 million adults are living with diabetes(糖尿病), a four-fold(四倍的)increase over 1980 figures. Lisa Schlein reports. 
“The release of this report in advance of World Health Day is meant as a call to global action to halt(遏止)the rise of type 2 diabetes, which is killing one and one half million people a year. 
The World Health Organization estimates 43 percent of these deaths occur prematurely(过早地), before the age of 70. 
The WHO says the highest rates are in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the western Pacific. 
The WHO report says the dramatic rise of this deadly disease is largely due to the increasing number of overweight and obese(肥胖的)people. Lisa Schlein, Geneva(日内瓦).”