朗读练习- News Item 002-寨卡病毒

News Item 002-寨卡病毒
The World Health Organization reports there is growing scientific evidence that the Zika virus is linked with several
severe disorders of the central nervous(神经的)system. Lisa Schlein reports.
“The body of scientific knowledge about the virus is building rapidly. WHO Director-General Margaret Chan says the
more that is known about the Zika virus, the worse things look. ‘A pattern has emerged in which initial detection of virus
circulation(传播)is followed within about three weeks by an unusual increase in cases of Guillain Barre syndrome(格林
-巴利综合征). Detection of microcephaly(头小畸形)and other fetal malformations comes later...’ WHO reports 6,480
cases of microcephaly are suspected, mostly from northeast Brazil. Lisa Schlein, Geneva.”