News Item 023-喀布尔的市郊绿洲

News Item 023-喀布尔的市郊绿洲
On Fridays, the traffic stretches(延伸)for kilometers. Groups of young men, couples and families make their way to the lake on cars and motorcycles as street vendors(摊贩)sell their wares(商品)
. “In the past, business was bad. Now it is picking up. I work here every Friday and go to school the rest of the week.” This could be any popular place, anywhere.
Except Qargha Lake is on the outskirts(郊区)of Kabul, a city that regularly faces deadly violence, and where men in uniform with guns are the most common sight. Out here, a policeman directs traffic, carrying a whistle(口哨), not an  AK-47.
Three decades of war coupled with the strict rule of the Taliban destroyed almost all recreational(娱乐)facilities in Afghanistan. That is why people flock here, despite the dangers.

最后修改: 2023年05月18日 星期四 23:14